Thursday 15 September 2011

part time learner

As a part time learner, self-managed learning requires me to study independently according to my time availability.  I should be able to make the most of my learning experiences to succeed and at the same time, cope with my daily routine.  I am as the working student, now have greater responsibility towards my programme of study.  I employ the techniques below:
1.      Planning and managing smart way
2.      Applying smart time management
3.      Motivating myself
4.      Developing learning strategies
Apart from the above I will also need to have other skills which are essential to facilitate my learning as an independent learner.  These include ICT and Information Skills.
New learning experiences can lead to moments of joy as well as occasions of unhappiness. When unhappiness sets in, stressful situations may build up.  As such it is important that I am aware of these situations and learn how to manage them.
Stress is a very natural and part of our everyday life.  Stress can be positive or negative and our body is designed to react to both types of stress.  We have to learn about stress in order to help our bodies return to more relaxed state.
Positive stress helps keep me alert, motivate me to face challenges, and drive me to solve problems.  Negative stress, on the other hand, results when our body over-reacts to events.  However, stress must not be ignored.

The following are some strategies on how I managed stress:
1.      Take action to organize myself
2.      Control my environment by controlling who and what is surrounding me
3.      Give myself positive feedback
4.      Reward myself
5.      Exercise my body
6.      Relax and rest as regularly as possible
7.      Be aware of myself
8.      Eat a balanced diet
9.      Learn to enjoy myself
Time management is the way I regulate or schedule my time.  The key to successful time management is allowing enough time to complete my work while still finding time to complete other responsibilities.  Learning good time management techniques can motivate me to accomplish my goals.
Once I know the amount of time I have for my studies, I must learn how to set priorities in order to take charge of my situation and to achieve my goals.  I am married with children, then my priorities might include my spouse and children.
The ability to take stock of my strengths and weaknesses in learning will help me to develop into a better learner, especially in a learning environment like UUM which encourages independent learning.

Thursday 11 August 2011

I am a working student

      Reflect on my learning experiences when I am a student either in a school or in a college.I am probably remember best the planned classes and the bells ringing to mark the end of each class period.  I also had the teacher” teaching” me and  taking me through the lesson in a systematic manner.  However, at open distance learning, the situation will be very different.  I have to play the lead role; manage my learning; indicate to my tutor my learning preference and strategies’ to be a successful open and distance learner.
       Self-managed learning requires me to study independently according to my time availability.  Teaching materials provided include specially constructed printed modules as the main source of learning.  These are supplemented by other reading materials both printed and digital
    I am encouraged to become an independent learner.  As an independent learner, I am expected to be able to do my own thinking.  I am expected to study independently on my own or via group-learning methodologies.
       As a self-managed learner, I should be able to make the most of my learning experiences to succeed and at the same time, cope with my daily routine.  Whether or  not I am a working student, I now have greater responsibility towards my programme of study.

Life begin at 40

Life begin at 40
My name is Hazri bin Haron, you can call me Hazri. I was borned in Segamat Johore on the 14th of January 1971. I am 40 years old but still young at heart.

Monday 1 August 2011

Assam Pedas Fish (Pomfret)

Recipe: Assam Pedas Pomfret
1 pomfret (1/2 pound to 1 pound)
10 small okras
1 tomato (cut into wedges)
1 teaspoon of fish curry powder
2 sprigs of daun kesum (Vietnamese mint/Vietnames coriander)
5 tablespoons of cooking oil
1 tablespoon of palm sugar/sugar
Salt to taste
Spice Paste:
1 clove garlic
1 stalk of lemon grass (white part only)
4 shallots
8-10 dried chillies (depends how spicy you like)
1/2 tablespoon of belacan (prawn paste)
Tamarind Juice:
1 1/4 cup of water
Tamarind pulp (size of a small ping pong ball)
  1. Pound the spice paste with mortar and pestle or grind them in a food processor. Set aside.
  2. Soak the tamarind pulp in warm water for 15 minutes. Squeeze the tamarind pulp constantly to extract the flavor into the water. Drain the pulp and save the tamarind juice.
  3. Heat oil and fry the spice paste for 2 minutes or until fragrant.
  4. Add the tamarind juice, fish curry powder and bring to boil.
  5. Add the tomato wedges and okras and bring to boil.
  6. Add the fish, salt, and palm sugar/sugar.
  7. Simmer on low heat for 5 minutes or until the fish is cooked.
  8. Serve hot.

Monday 25 July 2011

together we can make it real

Ramadan in 2011 will start on Monday, the 1st of August and will continue for 30 days until Tuesday, the 30th of August.
Note that in the Muslim calander, a holiday begins on the sunset of the previous day, so observing Muslims will celebrate Ramadan on the sunset of Sunday, the 31st of July.
Although Ramadan is always on the same day of the Islamic calendar, the date on the Gregorian calendar varies from year to year, since the Gregorian calendar is a solar calendar and the Islamic calendar is a lunar calendar. This difference means Ramadan moves in the Gregorian calendar approximately 11 days every year. The date of Ramadan may also vary from country to country depending on whether the moon has been sighted or not.
The dates provided here are based on the dates adopted by the Fiqh Council of North America for the celebration of Ramadan. Note that these dates are based on astronomical calculations to affirm each date, and not on the actual sighting of the moon with the naked eyes. This approach is accepted by many, but is still being hotly debated.