Reflect on my learning experiences when I am a student either in a school or in a college.I am probably remember best the planned classes and the bells ringing to mark the end of each class period. I also had the teacher” teaching” me and taking me through the lesson in a systematic manner. However, at open distance learning, the situation will be very different. I have to play the lead role; manage my learning; indicate to my tutor my learning preference and strategies’ to be a successful open and distance learner.
Self-managed learning requires me to study independently according to my time availability. Teaching materials provided include specially constructed printed modules as the main source of learning. These are supplemented by other reading materials both printed and digital
I am encouraged to become an independent learner. As an independent learner, I am expected to be able to do my own thinking. I am expected to study independently on my own or via group-learning methodologies.
As a self-managed learner, I should be able to make the most of my learning experiences to succeed and at the same time, cope with my daily routine. Whether or not I am a working student, I now have greater responsibility towards my programme of study.